Dr. Blum Center | Adult Rehabilitation


Burnout syndrome
Active longevity
Health recovery after oncology
Man's health
After injuries and surgeries
Recovery with burnout syndrome
Burnout is more properly called energy deficiency. The problem is not in emotions and not in relation to work, but in the fact that the body does not have enough energy. He spends it on maintaining body work, but no more. And if you continue to live with energy deficiency, you can bring yourself to heart problems, cancer and other dangerous conditions. In the center of Dr. Blum, you can restore your energy balance and continue to “burn” with your work in full force, winning and showing super-results.
Active longevity program
Health is a resource that we spend up to 40 years. And then we think about how to return the wasted and prolong an active and healthy life. Our program will help restore coordination and endurance of the body, mental acuity and flexibility of the joints. All this is possible thanks to patented methods and specialized equipment. Even the climate will help you in recovery, at whatever time of the year you come.
The program "Antistress"
Daily stress leads to physiological problems. Managers and businessmen primarily suffer from the spine. If you do not have time to exercise every day, then stress will one day lead to muscle imbalance. For the anti-stress program, we have developed special techniques and simulators. They will help get rid of toxins and the consequences of constant experiences, return the energy and enjoyment of life.
Detox programs
Detox in the future will be a mandatory procedure for each person. Today, they are engaged in those who really care about their health. It improves the quality of life, helps you find the strength to work and improves your mood. One of the consequences of slagging the body is aging. Therefore, it is important to start regular detox programs as early as possible. Muscles, joints and internal organs suffer from toxins every day. By clearing them, you will help the body optimize energy costs and find a resource for new initiatives.
Oncology rehabilitation
Over 30 years the Dr. Blum Clinic in Marbella has successfully provided rehabilitation services to people of all ages, during the recovery period - after surgical and medical treatment of malignant neoplasms. The use of the original method of the biomechanical balance restoration helps to mobilize internal reserves, increase the body's functional capabilities and significantly improve further forecasts.
Man's health
The program was created for men 40 years and older, for men who live according to their own script, independent of the opinions and moods of others, for those who want to live an active, full, happy, successful. First of all, we will take care of biological longevity, sexual and social longevity, fertility and many children.
Recovery from injuries and surgeries
Our Center has all the conditions for recovery from complex injuries and operations. Any injury is a “hole” through which health flows away. We help stop the destructive process and start the natural regeneration of the body. Your body is able to cope with the problem and return to active work or training.
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