Dr. Blum center
Recovery for diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system diseases
Rehabilitation for osteochondrosis of the spine
Rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system diseases
Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system have an extremely negative effect on the functional capabilities of a person. Therefore, the leading component of orthopedic and trauma care has been and remains the rehabilitation of patients with a musculoskeletal system diseases. This area of rehabilitation medicine has to compensate for impaired or lost functions, to prevent the development of complications and possible relapses.
Dr. Blum's Biomechanics Center in Marbella specializes in restoring the natural harmony of the body without medication and surgery. A progressive author’s technique is aimed at correcting various motor disorders and helps to return to a full life people with serious pathologies of the locomotor system.
Dr. Blum's Biomechanics Center in Marbella specializes in restoring the natural harmony of the body without medication and surgery. A progressive author’s technique is aimed at correcting various motor disorders and helps to return to a full life people with serious pathologies of the locomotor system.
Rehabilitation for osteochondrosis of the spine
Osteochondrosis is a progressive degenerative-dystrophic disease characterized by accelerated deterioration and premature aging of the osteoarticular apparatus. The disease affects the intervertebral discs, and then the vertebrae. The disease is diagnosed not only in patients older than 40 years, but also in adolescents, and more recently, even in newborns. The basis of the changes is the “drying out” of collagen cartilage, which develops when the nutritional conditions of the cartilage tissue are violated, after an injury or inflammatory process, which leads to a loss of elasticity and mobility. Deformations and displacements of the musculoskeletal system segments lead to a local decrease in blood flow and a violation of the regeneration of cartilage tissue. As a result, “shock absorbers” disks lose their elastic properties and cease to perform a cushioning function, pains occur at the junction of segments — in the spine, in joints, especially during shocks and tremors associated with walking, running, jumping.
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